
Eating Mango Peels can Help Fight Obesity

Melbourne. The mango fruit can do much for you than you thought it could. A new study has found that mango peels might be an answer to the fight against flab.

According to Australian researchers led by Professor Mike Gidley of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, the skins of two common mango varieties, the ‘Irwin’ and ‘Nam Doc Mai’ mangoes slow down the fat development of fat cells in human beings. The skins of both mangoes are rich in concentrations of bioactives.
These results suggest that differences in the phytochemical composition between mango cultivars may influence their effectiveness in inhibiting adipogenesis, and points to mango fruit peel as a potential source of nutraceuticals,” researchers said.

For the study published in the journal Food & Function, the chemical components from the extracts of peels and flesh of three varieties of the fruit were studied. The result suggested that the peels of both Irwin and Nam Doc Mai mangoes significantly inhibited adipogenesis or the storing of the fat cells.

“We know mangoes have many excellent nutritional properties, but more work needs to done to understand the complex natural compounds found in these and other fruits,” Gidley said.

Gidley said that it is common for the fruit to have a very different chemical composition for its skin and its flesh.

“Detailed chemical analysis of the skin and flesh is extremely valuable for mango growers and processors, who are always looking for new ways to value-add their fruit,” he added.

Researchers further said that with the findings of the study, mango producers might be able to select and grow the varirties of the fruit that help reduce obesity.

“Obesity is associated with many chronic disease states such as diabetes mellitus, coronary disease and certain cancers including those of the breast and colon. There is a growing body of evidence that links phytochemicals with the inhibition of adipogenesis and protection against obesity,” the authors of the study wrote according to the report.

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