
Khap’ s diktat on dress code for women is unlawful : SC

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday said that Khap panchayats’ diktat on dress code for women and asking them not to carry mobile is unlawful.

A bench of justices Aftab Alam and Ranjana Prakash Desai said such diktates are against the fundamental right to life and asked Khap Panchayats (caste-based councils) to file their replies on the issue.

Top police officers from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana also appeared before the apex court and submitted that although Khaps issued some socially retrograde resolutions but they were never directly involved in ‘honour killings.’

Additional director generals of police (law and order) of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh said Khaps also play positive roles at times like passing resolution against foeticide.

“There has been failure on the part of police to restrain them. They themselves claim that they are adjudicating body. They are running parallel courts,” the ASG submitted.

Senior Advocate Raju Ramachandran, who is assisting the court as amicus curie, also submitted that even though Khaps are not directly involved in honour killings but they certainly creates an atmosphere.

The advocates appearing for various Khaps submitted that the petitioner is trying to project them in bad light and they are not involved in honour killings.

“Khap is not doing such things. There is no diktat to carry out such things. We are not responsible for the killings. Killings are happening every where. It is happening in Delhi also,” they contended adding “petitioner is trying to project us Talibani.”

The court posted the matter for final hearing on March 5 and asked all the parties to file their responses by February 25. The court also appreciated Khap Panchayats’ for their action against female foeticide.

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