
US goes for Poll, Obama, Romney camps claim victory

Washington: Notwithstanding the latest opinion polls suggesting a close fight between incumbent Barack Obama and his rival Mitt Romney, both the Democrat and Republican camps have claimed victory ahead of the crucial presidential elections set for today.
Polls, pundits and people indicate that 44th US president Barack Obama is set to get re-elected on Tuesday. An average of 47.9% poll results favour him, though marginally, over his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who aggregates 47.4%. Indians will have to wait till Wednesday evening to know the results of the most important election in the world.

The latest Washington Post-ABC tracking poll released on Monday gave Obama (50 per cent) a three point lead over Romney (47 per cent), which is still within the margin of statistical error.

W0hile it has been a tie in the CNN poll, two other polls Rasmussen Reports and Gallup have one point edge to Romney over Obama.

Another survey by Mommouth/ SurveyUSA/Braun it is a tie between the two presidential candidates.

But the two campaigns based on their own feedback from the ground claimed that they were headed for a win.

Karl Rove, the Republican strategist claimed that Romney would get 285 Electoral College votes (more than the 270 required to win the elections).

“We know there’s a lot of fantasy talk happening from the Romney team about the number of electoral votes that they think they’re going to achieve. We’re not going to get into that kind of predictions. But the only thing that matters is that more people vote for President Obama than vote for Mitt Romney. We are confident of that,” Psaki told reporters travelling abroad Air Force One.

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