
Hillary Clinton calls for ‘Global effort’ to help refugees in Europe

Cedar Rapids: Hillary Rodham Clinton is calling for a ‘concerted global effort’ to assist the hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia seeking refuge in Europe.
The front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination said yesterday that ‘everyone should be asked to do more’ to help the migrants, many of whom are fleeing the civil war in Syria, including from areas in that country and in Iraq under the control of Islamic State militants.

“I think we need to have a broad-based global response,” Clinton said before spending the Labor Day holiday campaigning in eastern Iowa and parts of Illinois.

“The United States certainly should be at the table, but so should everybody else,” she said.

“And if countries are not able to do more physically in taking in these refugees, they should do more financially,” she added.

Clinton said an international effort to assist the migrants should be coordinated by the United Nations. She praised Pope Francis, who has called on all Catholic parishes and religious communities to welcome in the migrants.

“The whole world has to take some responsibility,” Clinton said.

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