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Festivities along with COVID – 19 Pandemic, it becomes more important to lay special imphasis on health.

This is not just because you may put other people at risk, but also because with weakened immunity due to some other infection, your body may be more vulnerable to covid

As we welcome the festive season with the commencement of the Durga Pooja soon, followed by Dushehra and Diwali, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more important to lay special emphasis on health.
The coronavirus pandemic has been around for months now, and is unfortunately likely to stay for longer.Needless to say, but people are now slipping when it comes to taking precautions for COVID-19 prevention. Wearing masks, washing hands regularly, using hand-rubs, are some of the precautions you must take to ensure that you and your loved ones stay safe.
Do not ignore any symptoms – Studies suggests that COVID-19 symptoms may actually not be the most reliable marker of the infection. However, even as many people who have contracted the virus remain asymptomatic, others who have even the mildest symptoms should not ignore them, or pass them as a “seasonal flu” or “common cold”. Isolating, staying home, and taking precautions is very necessary. This is not just because you may put other people at risk, but also because with weakened immunity due to some other infection, your body may be more vulnerable to covid.
The festive season brings with it a lot of love, laughter, family time and most importantly, food! No one ever celebrates with an empty plate and so a festival is synonymous with feasting, translating into a smorgasbord of sweets, snacks and a whole lot of tasty temptations. Even those who maintain a healthy weight tend to gain a couple of pounds during this season.keeping your health, fitness and weight on track through this time isn’t challenging, it just requires smart and mindful eating. Here are some simple tips which you can follow easily and maintain your health through the season!
1. ENJOY whatever you eat: Enjoy eating whatever you like BUT the key is not to OVEREAT! So eat whatever you like but in small amount because overeating will lead your calorie consumption into energy storing mode which will eventually turn your energy into fats. This is not the best time to lose weight, Aim at maintaining your current weight – that’s the only mission possible right now!
2. Do not eat out of GUILT: No negative self talk!! don’t be scared of putting on weight. If you eat anything out of fear or anxiety your cortisol (stress hormone) level will increase and your thyroxine, DHEA and testosterone level drops down because of which your metabolism slows down. So eating any sweet or calorie rich food with guilt will cause much more harm to your body, rather enjoy small amount and don’t deprive yourself from it.
3. Get your EXERCISE FIX: The benefits of exercise are known to all of us. Sticking to your routine is tough, so I have something for you, TABADA – it’s a 4 minute workout, you don’t need gym, no trainer required, no equipments needed, just a 4 minute workout to keep your metabolism high. All you need to do is this 4 minute workout 2 hours before you party and keep your metabolism high for next 6 – 7 hours.
4. Never SKIP meals: Skipping lunch to compensate for a calorie-dunked dinner is a terrible idea. Eating regular small meals, in addition to dinner, will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent cravings. You’re far less likely to overeat.
5. EAT BEFORE you step out: Avoid eating out as much as possible during the pandemic festivities.Before leaving for a party, eat a light snack. A salad or a fruit with a spoonful of peanut butter or almond butter can curb your appetite and make you less likely to fall for temptation.
6. SCAN the buffet: It’s a good idea to walk past the buffet table and choose what you want to tank up on. Taking a bite of this, one of that, one more of this can make you overeat. Choose your favorite foods and skip those that you don’t like.
7. STOCKPILE fruits and veggies: Any meal should comprise a large portion of fruits and vegetables. Be it cucumber sticks, a mixed salad, a fruit chaat or whole fruit, make them a part of your diet during these times.
8. MIND your beverages: All of us tend to offer and drink a lot of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages during the course of the day and with meals. But these beverages are loaded with sugar and calories, and can tip the weighing scale by inviting you to overeat. Don’t overdose on juice either; whole fruit is way better.
9. PRACTICE healthy cooking: Try and make your favourite dishes healthier. Make brown rice pulao, sweeten kheer with jaggery and opt for fruit salad instead of ras malai. These simple changes will make an impact over time.
10. QUALITY SLEEP: Long festive nights and compromising your sleeping time is common. Have 15 – 20 deep breaths from each nostil which will help you move into deeper sleeping cycle and give you quality sleep rather than quantity sleep, so even if you sleep for 5 hours it’ll be deep solid sleep of 5 hours.

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