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Fight with diet for lower hemoglobin levels!

If the level drops significantly, the condition may be diagnosed as anemia and symptoms can become severe.The most common cause is nutritional deficiencies of iron, folic acid, and vitamins C and B12

Low hemoglobin count is quite common in India, especially in women.However, most of us are not aware of it. It is only during any routine health checkup or during any blood investigations, we
get to know that our hemoglobin count is low. But , you should know that low hemoglobin count if left untreated, can lead to iron deficiency anemia.
While iron deficiency anemia is one of the
major reasons for low hemoglobin count, there are other factors that can put you at risk of low levels of hemoglobin. Some of the common health conditions that can lead to low hemoglobin
count include pregnancy, menstruation, liver disease, recent surgical intervention or urinary tract infection.Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein present in red blood cells. This protein is
responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.
Its main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues, so that living cells can perform properly. Hemoglobin also helps
carry carbon dioxide away from the cells and transport it back to the lungs.
As the role of hemoglobin is very important for leading a healthy life, it is necessary to maintain it in normal levels in
your blood, which is:
14 to 18 mg/dl for adult men, and
12 to 16 mg/dl for adult women, slight variations of hb levels can be observed at different labs

Some of the key symptoms of low hemoglobin count are –
General weakness with fatigue
Shortness of breath
Dizziness accompanied by frequent nausea
Pale skin and brittle nails
Rapid heartbeat
Poor appetite
Effortless bruising and lack of clotting
Weak bones and joint pain
Sore tongue
Inability to focus and concentrate.

If the level drops significantly, the condition may be diagnosed as anemia and symptoms can become severe.The most common cause is nutritional deficiencies of iron, folic acid, and vitamins C
and B12.
1. EAT IRON – RICH FOODS :- Some good iron-based foods are liver, red meat, shrimp, tofu, almonds, gingelly seeds, dates, bajra, Bengal gram (chana), Lentils, Soyabean. Fruits and Vegetables:
Amaranth leaves, Mustard leaves, Cauliflower greens, radish leaves,beetroot, spinach, dried dates,dried apricots, water melon, raisins, custard apple, Apple, pomegranate, plum and asparagus.
You can also take an iron supplement. Consult your doctor for the correct dosage as high doses of iron can be harmful to your body.
2. INCREASE VITAMIN C INTAKE :- Low hemoglobin levels due to a deficiency of vitamin C can be corrected by eating more foods rich in vitamin C. Iron cannot be fully absorbed by the body
without the help of this vitamin. Eat foods rich in vitamin C like papaya, oranges, amla (indian goose berry,guava, lemon, strawberries drumstick leaves, green chillies, bell peppers, broccoli,
grapefruit, tomatoes and spinach. You can also take vitamin C supplements after consulting your doctor.
3. INCLUDE FOLIC ACID RICH FOODS :- Folic acid, a B-complex vitamin, is required to make red blood cells. So, a folic acid deficiency automatically leads to a low hemoglobin level. Some good
food sources of folic acid are green leafy vegetables, liver, rice, sprouts, dried beans, wheat germ, fortified cereals, peanuts, bananas, berries, broccoli and liver. You can also take 200 to 400
milligrams of a folate supplement daily after consulting your doctor.
4. AVOID IRON BLOCKERS :- Avoid eating foods that can block your body’s ability to absorb iron. Some examples of iron-blocking foods are: Coffee,Tea, soft drinks, Alcohol, Over–the-counter
antacids, smoking,
Excess of Calcium-rich foods like dairy products and calcium supplements
5. EXERCISE :- Include some sort of exercise in your daily routine. When you exercise, the body produces more hemoglobin to meet the increasing demand for oxygen throughout the body.
Moderate to high intensities of aerobic exercises are highly recommended. Also include some strength training to increase muscle mass and fight fatigue.

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